
Our Best Sellers

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"Su Amiga"

World's first Collapsible Female Urination Device

Peeing outdoors has never been this easier for women. With its innovative design and the “insert and pull- out” mechanism, su amiga pee funnel allows for discreet use without revealing your assets.


"Bolsa circe"

Urine gel Bag

“No more cringing. No more searching for toilets.”

Bolsa Circe is your portable mini toilet during camping, hiking, traffic congestion… any place where you cannot find a toilet.

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"Piss Off"

Silver Infused Antimicrobial Pee Cloth

With one side waterproof and the other side absorbent, Piss Off Pee Cloth is the eco-friendly alternative to loads of tissue paper ending up on hiking trails.

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Su Amiga featured on Yahoolife

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What Our customers say?

I go for hiking and camping once in a while. This device has been really useful and is just what I needed. Unlike men, its difficult for us ladies to find a place, pulled down our pants and sit to pee and always afraid that somebody would be watching us. Now, I can pee like a Man..!!
Amanda Lee
Being a germaphobe, I was always worried about using public toilets. Now, I carry su amiga with me wherever I go. It is such a relief!
Dana Cheise
With this device, I can just stand and pee inside a bottle or urine bag. Now, I don’t have to worry about going for crowded concerts or festivals and finding a place to pee.
Tamanna Patel

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